Warning Signs
- Feeling trapped, desperate, or needing to escape from an intolerable situation
- Having the feeling of being a burden to others
- Feeling humiliated
- Having intense anxiety and/or panic attacks
- Losing interest in things, or losing the ability to experience pleasure
- Insomnia
- Becoming socially isolated and withdrawn from friends, family, and others
- Acting irritable or agitated in a highly unusual manner
- Showing rage, or talking about seeking revenge for being victimized or rejected, whether or not the situations the person describes seem real.
- Talking about wanting to kill themselves, or saying they wish they were dead
- Looking for a way to kill themselves, such as hoarding medicine or buying a gun
- Talking about a specific suicide plan
- Consistently feeling hopeless or having no reason to live
Steps to Take When a Friend is Considering Suicide
- Know the warning signs.
- Don't handle the person alone.
- Be direct with your questions about suicide.
- Don't judge them.
- Don't keep secrets.
- Remove harmful objects.
- Never leave the person alone.
- Try to get them to a professional.
- Call for help.
Steps to Approach a Friend With a Mental Health Challenge
- Turn confrontation into conversation.
- Approach a friend/family member in a familiar place.
- Discuss the reasons they don't want to seek help.
- Talk face to face.
- Understand you're not a mental health professional.
- Know the limits of not being able to help someone who doesn't want help.
- Take care of your mental health while helping someone else.